

Spring/Summer Yarn

Autumn / Winter Yarn


Men's wear

Women's wear

China • Textile line

Autumn / Winter Yarn>>孔雀羊驼毛
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30%腈纶Acrylic 37%尼龙Nylon 10%羊毛Wool 20%涤纶Polyester 3%氨纶Spandex

Brand:Taimei Textile

About The Commodity


Tai Mei Textile Co.,Ltd


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999+ Transactions

Business Products
马海毛 羊毛纱线 特色纱线

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Yarn Color Card

Name:孔雀羊驼毛 01
Color:TM-K001 米白
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 02
Color:TM-K002 白杏
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 03
Color:TM-K003 花杏
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 04
Color:TM-K004 米杏
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 05
Color:TM-K005 卡其
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 06
Color:TM-K006 褐色
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 07
Color:TM-K007 浅灰
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 08
Color:TM-K008 中灰
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 09
Color:TM-K009 深灰
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 10
Color:TM-K010 黑色
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 11
Color:TM-K011 驼黄
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 12
Color:TM-K012 花咖啡
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 13
Color:TM-K013 浅粉
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 14
Color:TM-K014 深粉
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 15
Color:TM-K015 浅花紫
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 16
Color:TM-K016 花紫蓝
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 17
Color:TM-K017 浅水蓝
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 18
Color:TM-K018 牛仔蓝
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 19
Color:TM-K019 浅黄绿
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 20
Color:TM-K020 草绿
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 21
Color:TM-K021 深绿
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 22
Color:TM-K022 宝蓝
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 23
Color:TM-K023 黄色
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 24
Color:TM-K024 大红
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 25
Color:TM-K025 米色
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 26
Color:TM-K026 水粉
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 27
Color:TM-K027 时尚灰
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 28
Color:TM-K028 太美灰
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 29
Color:TM-K029 孔雀绿
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 30
Color:TM-K030 豆绿
Pantone Color:
Name:孔雀羊驼毛 31
Color:TM-K031 海兰
Pantone Color:




30%腈纶Acrylic 37%尼龙Nylon 10%羊毛Wool 20%涤纶Polyester 3%氨纶Spandex

Brand:Taimei Textile